Introducing West Glow Farm!
/Wow! So the last seven months have been a whirlwind of transition! We wanted to wait to post this blog until we actually moved, unpacked, and settled in.
We are really excited to share more about the farm operation here in Kingston Springs, TN and our role in it. The farm here is started by Jody and MaryBritton Cummings and they have a really wonderful vision for this property. The name of the farm is West Glow Farm which has a rich history in and of itself. Booth is going to be the farm manager here at West Glow Farm and all of the vegetables will be grown without unnatural pesticides or fertilizers. In the future WGF is going to pursue a Certified Naturally Grown certification. The launch of this farm is going to be in 2019 and we will be selling the produce at local markets around Nashville, TN as well as restaurants and right here at our very own farm to table event venue! Definitely keep an eye out for West Glow Farm on social media and at the local markets because we are gearing up for a very exciting launch next year!
A small garden and our little lodge in the background.
So what does this mean for Just Plant the Seed? Essentially, we have decided to stop all garden installations and permaculture designs for the foreseeable future. We are very committed to getting WGF off the ground and want to focus all of our energy there. However, we are still accepting a small number of speaking, teaching, and consulting engagements for 2018-2019. Please do reach out to us, as your event may fit our schedule. Also, we are really focusing our attention toward churches who are eager to take the next steps toward creation care, whether that is starting a farm, reducing consumption, hosting environmental stewardship sessions and more - we want to support and equip our brothers and sisters in the faith to fulfill the responsibility to tend and steward this earth.
Now that we are settled and have our feet on the ground, we will be posting short monthly blogs really geared toward minimal living, growing food, and creation care. We will also be sending out quarterly newsletters, to those on our email list, with what we have learned here on WGF and about tiny living and more. Thank you again for your support and prayers on this journey! We are excited to keep you posted.