Who We Are
Just Plant The Seed is a website committed to the work of Social Justice in the world. We create content on a number of topics ranging from theology, politics, art, agriculture, pop culture, music, and more. In all our subject matter, we strive to uphold our 5 core values of social justice
Core Values
Justice & Righteousness:
JPTS believes that justice (making right decisions) and righteousness (right relatedness) are two sides of the same coin, and it is with this understanding that we pursue justice by way of seeking right relationship with the Divine, each other, and the earth.
JPTS seeks to welcome and make space for people from all walks of life in our work and to treat everyone we engage with on our platform with dignity and respect
Solidarity & Advocacy
JPTS aims to engage in our work in solidarity with those who are marginalized and oppressed in the world, and to advocate on their behalf based on the love of the Creator
JPTS seeks to foster resilient community life by practicing and teaching inter-dependence and diversity, and by building on the strengths and capacities of individuals and communities
Contemplative Activism:
Out of the belief that justice comes as an overflow of deep intimacy with the Creator, JPTS seeks to nurture the daily rhythms and disciplines of spiritual practice